Empowering Women and Children: Health and Sanitation Project-III

Women and Children Empowerment: Health and Sanitation Project was initiated from November 2013 with funding support from the Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres (PSF) Luxembourg and with the Nepal office of terre des homms (tdh) Germany. The project aim is to improve health and sanitation conditions of the marginalized communities through access of safe drinking water, toilet construction, awareness raising and sustainable quality health services at local level. During the project period, the facilities and services of the government health posts were expected to improve. With this, the local community will be empowered in health matters. And drinking water supply and domestic health and sanitation conditions will improve.

The main beneficiaries of the program are women, children and youth. Most of the activities are focused on women, children and youth. The program has formed 71 women groups in which 2038 women are affiliated and 65 child club, 7 child club network and 5 youth networks have been formed in the program area. Program has benefited RM health worker including FCHVs and poor and marginalised suffering from suffering from eye illness, uterine prolapse, dental and other health problems.