- Socio-economic empowerment through socio economic interventions
- Poverty reduction and skill-based trainings for improvement of livelihood of marginalized communities.
- Drinking water, sanitation and awareness program for improvement of health situation of marginalized communities.
- Education empowerment to maintain quality education for conflict affected poor and disadvantaged groups.
- Organizing various programs to improve the socio-economic condition of Women, Dalit and oppressed people.
- Helping in child development by working in the area of Child education, child’s right, Child labor and various issues related to children.
- Helping local level organizations for capacity building and conflict transformation by organizing various trainings, counseling, economic support and organizing programs in partnership.
- Social and economic empowerment activities in order to create environment in order to mainstream the poor, marginalized ethnic groups and women.
- Organizing different activities for Human Right protection, promotion and sustainable peace building.
- Various activities for betterment of elderly people.
- In order to achieve goal, organizing the programs according to the need.